Jerry wants you to know what he knows about the Technology of Etheric Energy and to learn the Language of Angels…an infinite solution.
Q: How would having your own energy tools change your life?
A: Once you learn the tools and techniques, you can practice self-healing.
Ways that AngelTalks is helpful to you
We live in two worlds; the physical world as well as the nonphysical world. We receive a lot of life-skill training on how to succeed in the physical world. However, until AngelTalks, most of us receive little to no training on how to master the etheric (invisible nonphysical) world.
Jerry Bedlington’s AngelTalks is a 3-month class designed to fundamentally change the way you manage your personal energy field and communicate the etheric field in both your business and personal life.
The next series starts April 17, 2021
During this 4-month live online life-skills intensive you will gain unique tools to work with etheric energy and the etheric energy beings we call “Angels” to improve your earth experience.
Jerry presents...
The Language of Angels
Live Online with Jerry!
3-Month class + 4th Bonus Month
2 SERIES: 2nd Saturdays or 3rd Saturdays!
1pm -3pm PST
7 Tools
10 Angel Teams
11+ ways of Angelic communication
Interdimensional lasers
Qi Breath & Thought Forms
Etheric Body Field replacements
Manifesting Grids
7 Skills
Making decisions/connecting with Angels
Working with Interdimensional Lasers
Reality shifting
Creating new frequencies
Dowsing skills
Qi Breath to deliver intentions
student reviews
Month #1
Apr 10 & 17
The Language of Angels
11+ ways to "talk" with Angels.
How to confirm choices with an Angel.
Be assigned 10 teams of Angels.
Interdimensional Lasers
Create and shift frequencies for healing and health.
Month #3
Jun 12 & 19
Etheric Body Field
Pull old an energy field from the body and replace with a perfect field for healing.
Manifesting Energy
How to set up energy grids to manifest your intentions.
Month #2
May 8 & 15
Spiritual Dowsing
How pendulums works & how to communicate through dowsing.
Practice dowsing energy fields/grids.
QI Breath & Thought Forms
Learn how use Qi Breath as a delivery system of positive intentions/thought forms.
Month #4
Jul 10 & 17
Free Bonus Class
Putting it All Together -- Using your new skills & tools to experience that you are a force to be reckoned with!
Sample Content
20-min. The Language of Angels, Bellevue WA, 2-26-19